
Woke up,inject insulin,eat,school.... Then, the show and tell was still on.... As a matter of fact I did show someone which is obviously a living thing which is none other than my partner,Wu ZuoDong.... He's not only my partner but my brother too.....Of course, you should know he's the HeartBreak Kid♥ while I'm The Game..... SO yeahh.... Lots of questions coming throughh....So yeah.....Done! After that,went home to school....then asked my mum to buy Summerslam for me....Then after that,I quickly ran to the DVD Player and TV to watch it.... And HOLY CRAP,DX ARE BACK! Then CM PUNK WON! HAHA! I TOLD YOU KARYN AND ALL OF YOU HARDY SUPPORTERS!!! BUT THEN,UNDERTAKER JUST CAME OUT OF NOWHERE THEN CHOKESLAMMED HIM! IT WAS NOT FUNNY! ==...... UNDERTAKER,YOU WILL G.T.S............ ANYWAYS,I HOPE TO SEE UNDERTAKER VS CM PUNK VS JEFF HARDY FOR THE TITLE AT BREAKING POINT AND HOPE TO SEE CM PUNK WIN AGAIN! THATS RIGHT!!! HARDY AND UNDERTAKER,YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET PUNK'D BY CM PUNK! YEAH,THATS RIGHT AND YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!!! JEFF HARDY'S DREAM HAS ENDED AND UNDERTAKER,IF YOU EVER FACE CM PUNK AT WRESTLEMANIA 26! THE STREAK IS BROKEN INTO 17-1 AND YOU WILL, LIKE I SAID.... GO .... TO .... SLEEP!!!! ZzzZzzZ............. Alright.... That's all for today...

-Peep Out