Alright,back to the post to where i stopped just now... As I mentioned in the topic just now,I said that there was gonna be a new season of iCarly... Ahh,it's already Season 3 there but still Season 2 here....Half the part of the other episodes were not shown,what the heck! I wanna watch the new season already...I don't feel like watching Season 2 again...and the opening of the new episode is called 'iThink They Kissed'.... This has something to do with the Season 2's 'iKiss'... This episode is about Miranda confronting Jennette and Nathan that they had shared a kiss before...In the episode 'iKiss',Nathan and Jennette promised each other that they both won't tell anyone that they kissed... but in this new episode,she old Carly and a fight started between two of them..Well,there you go...that's all i know... Countdown to SPN21 is 38 days...ARE YOU READY?Anyway,I downloaded this new song called Send It On by Friends For Change which the artists are Miley Cyrus,Demi Lovato,Selena Gomez & The Jonas Brothers.....This song is for charity to which they are going to 'Send It On' to the poor people of Africa....I'll be posting a video in a new blog....=D
-Peep Out