Update(6/10/09)....... SPE Exams. Time To Play The Game

Haven't blog for this pat few days because there was no internet connection for 3 days... Lucky i was able to live without tweeting and facebook :)... By the way,I have plans to change my blogskin before or after exams... And well,I'm quite busy for the past few days because of something... Well,you all should know what to do before the big exam comes!! Don't rush,just take it easy :)... Unless,you suck in every subject :D... Alright,enough with the celebrity news about coming here to Brunei... I just want MIRANDA COSGROVE & OF COURSE,JENNETTE MCCURDY'S AUTOGRAPHS! A HUG AND A KISS FROM THEM WOULD DOUBLE THE AWESOMENESS! Alright,maybe I'm just overreacting :)... Hmm... Wonder how it feels like to graduate early?? Some say it's awesome...Some say it's not... Oh well,I just want 4 years of High School so that I can work on Conservatory Music and BS Biology.... Maybe I'll focus on Music more....Ok... Nothing much to say for this past few days though... Anyway,just like to thank the people(strangers don't count unless I know you)....for viewing this blog

XJennette's UntouchableX